Tuesday 25 September 2012

Tears Dripping On The Horizon

Well, this sick-kid thing seems likely to be going on for a while, so the new router is going to have to stay in it's placcy case for a while yet, which is a shame as the plans I have.


I'm all enthused about The Pearly Dewdrop One again, for a start. This has always been going to be my Vox Teardrop tribute, with the right shape body, but a single P90 at the bridge and a CBSish big headed Strat neck.

I've said before that I've always loved the look of the Teardrop, but never played one that sounded (to me) very good, so it makes sense, as far as anything I do does.

So far due to a lots of reasons, it remains a dream. But maybe not for too long mucher.

Still tis better to think about what I can do, and with a bit of luck my parts bonanza will start to explode locally today and I can start pulling The Tickled Pink One together again.

Incidentally, thanks to Liam for the donation to the cause. it is all building up quite nicely methinks.

Until then though, I'm tweaking the finishes of both The TV Dinner and Confused Ones, doing some fret shining on The Fallen One and generally tarting around in between providing doses of Calprofen and tip tops.

Oh a Mother's work, tis never truly ever really finito'd

La la laaaaa

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