Saturday 8 September 2012

From Old China to Betty Blue

Well, I've given the Old China a spoodle and a new set of strings and verily nice it is too.

I am quite impressed by the way the finish has been de-glossed, it looks a lot more expensivo. And the metal nut is good, I like them (Trying not to think about the Old Gordo) and it makes the tone a little zingier, I think..

Soundwise it is pretty PAF-like though a tad cotton woolly, and looking at the pots and wiring didn't exactly inspire me, but I'm going to leave it a little while before I do anything drastic.

I've got a Fake58 Les Paul loom somewhere, and daft as it sounds, decent pots and wire and all that might just be enough. I might not even need to change the pickups.


It could happen.

I could put the loom in and see, it can't hurt.

And then maybe next week I'll think about new pups...

I miss that out-of-phase bit in the middle the old Vintage Lemon Drop had, I have to admit.

And, well, what can I say?

I'm a guitar fiddler.

It isn't something I'm proud of.

As for other things, well The Betty Blue One is well and on it's way as the foto hopefully shows - I put the neck and tuners on and all that is left is the need for a bit of soldering to do and we're in business. Probably one for Monday, but there we go. Oh, and strap pins, I always forget the strap pins.

The neck for The Resurrected One hasn't arrived yet, but that too could be together next week also similarly like.

All of which sounds quite productive, doesn't it?

I wonder what will really happen?

(Note to self: Insert dream sequence here)

La la laaa

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