Wednesday 5 September 2012


If you think this looks a right mess...
Well, I started staining the body for The Resurrected One, which I think will look proper-good.

I've gone for a dark oak colour, which should be nice-yet-stunningly-mega-brill, though spilling the can everywhere killed productivity somewhat as stain

It stains everything.
It stains the table.
It stains the carpet (really should have not done this in the living room).
It stains full-stop.

I wasn't best pleased.

And have black hands.
Like a mirror-image Black and White Minstrel.

Anyway, bit more to do on that today once I've found a rug to hide the black patch in the carpet and for a few days to come I expect, and in between the drying and sanding, I might as well get on with something else.

As my aim at the moment is to get The Fallen and Betty Blue Ones fettled, they seem an obvious target. I need to do a bit of clearing before I can routal, so I'm planning on digging out Betty's neck and seeing what else I need to do to put her together. I am verily intrigued to play with the bridge, and as it's the first time I've tried one of Mr Mojo's Tele P90s, better still. So Betty, I want you done this week. There, how cool is that. Decision made.

In other news, The Lightning Dragon is pretty much done - so a proper introduction to that sometime soonish, and I'm expecting my Old China, Tokai Les Paul to arrive anytime even more soonerish.

I'm going to break the habit of a lifetime and try it for a while before I start replacing bits. I'm not expecting much - in fact have already nurtured a grudging-scavengers-remorse before it even gets here - so I'm hoping for a pleasant surprise.

It looks nice, which I guess is something.

Have to say it seems odd to be getting a whole guitar, it's been a while.

Oh, and I've scavenged an attenuator, which is a first for me, and as it apparently means that I can have a louder valve amp without being lynched by neighbours and loved ones, I guess that means I am on an amp hunt.

I like my Mustang and no doubt will keep it, but it would be nice, wouldn't it? I kinda miss the hiss.

But, the attenuators, I actually got two - one 8ohm and the other 16ohm - not really sure why - are made my Martin at MJW Amps, so I'm presuming he knows what he is doing even if I don't.

But what to go for?

They only handle upto 20W, so I'm thinking an Amp + small Cab kinda thing. I could go for another Blackheart as that was cool, or something Voxy perhaps. Never been a big Marshall fan, so Fender or Vox style I guess.

Any suggestions?

It's so long since I needed a bigger amp I really don't know what is out there anymore.

La la laaa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like Egnater amps. The Rebel or Tweaker would be great. They're well made, versatile, sound great and are very reasonably priced. They crop up second hand quite often too, which is nice.