Monday 3 September 2012

Lightning Strike 2

Well, we're into the last day of the holibobs, peace and quiet from tomorrow...and still we haven't quite got there with The Lightning Dragon, which is a tad annoying.

Almost, but no banana as of yet.

Almost as annoying is the previously unmentioned holiday homework, lunchboxes that have six-weeks-in-the-sun-unopened-in-the-school-bag behind them and the fact that half my tools seem to have disappeared. (I say that like I have lots, but 2 out of 4 is definitely annoying.)

In summary, bugged.

Anyway, as freedom is glinting it's glass eye at me, I guess I should try and turn the meanderings of the last month or two into something like a plan of inaction.

The Fallen and Betty Blue Ones are the main focus and I'm feeling groovy about The Travellin' man One too as all of the parts - even the strap pins - are on their way, which is long over overdue.

So that is cool. As for the 2nd Gen Jookies, well I think I need to make some space in my garage before I can actually gently tip a doormouse in there. I don't need much room, but being able to get away from my homicidal router is always a bonus as is breathing, of course.

The Betty Blue One looks to be the most likely early win though, so that could be my starter tomorrow. We'll see how I wake up.

Now, if I can find a screwdriver and some strings, I might finito the Lightning Dragon yet. And then face six-week-old-crab-paste-sarnies. Yeurch.

La la laaaa

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