Friday 7 September 2012

Chin Up Me Old Chine

Well, the couriers were swarming today..

My Old China Tokai Les Paul arrived and feels verily Les Paul-like and nice.

Obviously I took the 'plate off and swapped the knobs so it would feel comfy-like.

I know most people would have changed the rusty strings first, but I'm shallow, I don't mind admitting.

The not so good news was that I also got the battered and torn The B Movie One back.

I knew it was busted, but seeing it proper, brought a little tear to me eye, must admit.

On a better note, I also got the wiring loom and pups direct from Mojoland UK.

Can't wait to get them in and working on The Fallen One, assuming I ever get the neck sorted out.

What else?

Well, the Lightning Dragon is due to be unveiled later, so no doubt more once school is out.

Three screws to tighten and another attempt to string it and we'll be there. Lovely.

La la laaaa

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