Friday 21 September 2012

Feeling The Tickle Moves Me

The Tickled Pink One
Around The Back
Earlier Today
Well, today is destined to be all about The Tickled Pink One. Apart from the in-betweeny bits, obviously.

Yesterday's hard waxing went well, and a flourish with a donnyful of wire wool took the shiny shiny down to smooth 'n' sheeny, and it looks all the better for it. I'll have a blast with some beeswax later, I expect, but I'm pleased. Tis all good.

From there I'm flipping over and starting the top in all it's pretty fabricness. It is a while since I've done fabric (man) so I'm quite looking forwardly to it.

As that involves lots of spasms of effort followed by time-a-wandering, I'll probably fit in a little staining of the back of The TV Dinner One, but that is just as and when I think. I might even cut the pickguard out of Lenin and McCarthy

As for other news, my new router offish arrives tomorrow, which is good in a safety kinda way but bad in the nothing-to-blame-for-not-chopping-wood department. It has turned into a bit of an obsession and I feel I have to earn the right in some way.

But to the grain filler Batman

La la laaaa

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