Being slovenly did however give me some ponder time, and letharic of brain though I be and I know it is kinda my default setting, but I have *that* yearning again, the one where I make a single pickup Strat.
I'm not really sure why, but they are the only Strats I seem to like a lot of the time and there is something that just feels pukka about single pickup guitars. Maybe I'm just too lazy or indecisive to use a switch, I don't know, but there we are. It is one of those, I just can't decide which.
Anyway, back to the Strat and I want to do it completely in rusted iron, but I want to try something a little different with the finish and maybe another with a twist or two, not sure yet.
I'm going to dedicate it to a pub I went to a long time ago in Bristol so this will be The Old E One. If you ever went there, you'll be knowing what I mean.
Other than that I decided to drop the price on The Fabulous and JoBo Ones to £399 delivered in a hardcase as well, basically, why not.
La la laaa
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