Tuesday 17 July 2012

WIP: The Betty Blue One

Can you see the join?
Well, time is running out, so I figure I should maybe do something productive today.

Some of the parts have arrived for The Raymond One, so I'll get them added to the mix later, but The Betty Blue One is my Dame du jour.

The story so far..

I started with a lovely alder Tele body, and smothered it lovingly with Bronze enriched plutonium. Or maybe paint. Yes, paint it was.

Not so lovingly, I then went for an open yet blinded Parisian window looking out into the blue night, and basically hit it with a load of noxiously fuming acid and other gubbins.

On the back, it looks great and on the front it is a little more subtle as there is a plan.

Oh yes, is there a plan.

Well, yes.

And the plan that I planned is to cover the front with a lushly lush walnut burr laminate, which will be slightly tattered and torn so that the corroded bronze beneath peeps through.

And I have to admit that this morning as I looked at it, I really wasn't sure whether it would work or not. But as I can't imagine there are too many people to ask, I figured I might as well give it a go and see for meself.

So as you can hopefully tell, I've spread my glue, and pressed on the veneer and then clamped the beejesus out of it  (I am loving the ad-hoc tableness of the clamps I got from Simon at Fusion, most useful and cool.)

And there it sits.

I will give it an unclamp and rearrange if needed later, but it will be tomorrow before I can do much more of use. (And yes, there is a lack of clamping going on in the middle, but that's ok, I have a plan...)

In other news, obviously I am awaiting couriers and will be tomorrow too (Old Honey is a coming) so don't expect too much sense out of me.

La la laaa

Before the err, storm of walnut.

Stripily Backed

Jooky Instant Tables Inc.

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