Monday 2 July 2012

Slowly Does It

Well, I'm keeping life simple and straightly forward this week. It doesn't happen too often, but there we are.

So being positive in a good way, by the end of the week I will most definitely have:

1. Finished the finish for The Raymond One and made a scratchplate

2. Finished the finish for The Travellin' Man One

3. Made my first Haut D'Jook T Shirt

4. One of...:

    a. Finished The B Movie One
    b. Finished the finish of The Old E One
    c. Finished the finish of The Betty Blue One

5. Bought a new router

And that is it.

I may even have done all of them, who really knows?

I won't be distracted, not at all.

Other than that, I have The Fabulous One and my Vintage Lemon Drop to send to their new abodes tomorrow (I don't even know why I have flogged the Lemon Drop, I love it to bits) and some other bobbins to do that I forget right now.

So in summary I will have at least two guitars with finishes complete this week, a T Shirt and maybe a completed La Cabronita Especial in the form of The B Movie One. Maybe even a router to hurt myself with.

Now, that would be cool, methinks.

La la laaa

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