Tuesday 24 July 2012

Quick, Quick and Sloooowwww

Definitely My Old Honey Now
Well, the usual flurry of a morning, as I had completely forgotten to pack up The JoBo One for it's impending journey, so that was what I did, alongside stopping the Daleks invading Portishead by fixing broken Sonic Screwdrivers and drip-feeding coffee to the washing-machine-fixer-upper.

But it is all ready to go, the planet is safe and the washer turns once more (if only at half-speed), so now it is just waiting for a courier again.

There isn't much other news apart from that I removed the scratchplate and replaced the hated speed dials with reflector topped knobs on Old Honey.

Not a lot to do to it, of course, but you have to make these things your own.

Bit More of a To-Do list
The saddest thing is that it is the Lazarus-like The Raspberry Ripple One that I'm playing most at the moment. Maybe it is just because it was one I thought that was gone for good, or because  being able to fix the busted neck twice now makes it feel like it is really mine or something, I don't know, but I really do love playing it. Even if I'm treating it like a piece of precious crystal at the moment.

As for Raymondo, well if the courier comes at a decent hour I'll hopefully be able to sort that out with some perforations later on, which would be nice as I really want to hear that Wide Ranger in action once more. I think I need a Tele in my life again.

La la laaaa

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