Monday 2 July 2012

Travellin' At Last

Well, the week has started with a slink, but a little progress is no better than progress at all. As my Granny once said. Drunk, obviously.

So The Raymund One has had it's finish finished and very bright and sunny it is too. Tomorrow will see me chopping some innocent vinyl into a pickguard with a bit of luck, and then it will be mothballed until I get my act together and all the parts are here.

I also started to finish The Travellin' Man One - start at the back of course, but I don't think this wet weather agrees with my gubbins as it is taking forever to try even the first coat. Hopefully I'll get another one in before nite-nites, and I can do the front tomorrow.

All in all it feels like crawling uphill in molasses at the moment.

Tomorrow is another day though, so there we are. Waiting for multiple couriers, I just remembered. Gord, my specialised subject.


La la laa

Travellin' in the right direction at last

Filling that grain like it's 1999

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