Friday 13 July 2012

Only Making Plans For Raymondo

Well, as next week is the last of holibobless Jookiness, I figure I should concentrate and make my last arrow count (I do look back on those self-improvement courses fondly. Apart from that one in an Irish Hotel where I woke Russell Grant up at 4am, me drunk, him in a towel.)

So, I figure I should concentrate on getting one guitar finished, and maybe have something new to distract me from Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom, Top Gear and Minecraft. Oh and Peppa Pig (though I secretly like that one. It's Rebeca Rabbit, she's a bit of a cutey.)

The one 'Mostly Likely' then, is the rather cheery The Raymond One, so I have got my finger out and ordered the missing bits, which are (you always knew there would be a list at this point, didn't you?):

1. A Stratty Trem:

Not my usual Tele approach, but I've gone for one of those Wilkinson/Gotoh ones, all steel blocks and baseplates and everything else. I would add that it isn't because they have a push in trem arm and that I always cross thread the screwy-in ones, but I'd be lying so I won't do that.

2. A Pickup:

Young Marc of Mojo Fame is going to wind me one of his wunderfilled Wide Range Humbuckers. I want this guitar to have some gritty balls as well as do the twang thing, and they are perfect for that.

3. A Wiring Loom/Control plate

Again, Mr Mojo to the rescue, as he is going to wire me a control plate that will give me a stunning array of sonic options, utilising his lovely paper in oil caps and CTS pots and trendy switches and old fashioned wire and whatever other voodoo he throws in there for goodly measurement.

4. Strap Pins:

I always forget these, but I like the jumbo ones. (That isn't another Russell Grant divergence.)

And that is about it, which can't be bad.

Which means of course that I can do nothing more on that for the rest of the day, so I might as well do something else instead.

La la laaa

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