Monday 1 August 2011

Tripping Alight Fandango

Well, I'm back to waiting for parts as far as The Moulin Rouge and The Drip Dry Ones go. Tuners, a bridge, lots of plastic bits, the odd pickup, nothing drastic but progress-halting it has to be said.

I'm also scrabbling around for screws to hold scratchplates on, springs and yet more screws for pickups which are always annoying to have to buy and lots of finishing stuff. Basically I've 'run my stocks down' which was the aim, but I forgot that some of them come in kinda handy-needed. Still, moving-and-a-grooving for a couple of days again so it isn't like I'll be doing much anyway.

I mentioned I have a mentalistic Bare Knuckle pickup showing up this week, and that is destined for a single pickup Strat I've got in mind. It almost feels a blast from the past at the moment as my single-pickup-guitar addiction has been unsated for months. I've got a nice Strat body and my favourite big headstock ready to go, so all I need to do is decide on the finish.

Again for a change I thought I'd go forward to history and do a Leona's one. I've got something hippified that is actually a companion piece to the one I used on The Peace Train One. So it should be particularly groovy with a nasty in-your-mush underside.

Just to make it crazily ridiculous I'm going to build in a wee Sophie's Filthy Boots fuzz, and maybe even have a killswitch and something else I've forgotten for now. Could have been a lava lamp, but I might be making that up. The Tripadelic One, well that should be dropping-and-a-popping soon.


Anonymous said...

Ooohh Lava Lamp, that's a good idea. I don't think even Matt Bellamy has got one of those on his guitars yet.

The Jooky Guitar Emporium said...

Hmmm...good point :)

Just been looking for a battery operated plasma ball too.... Don't really want to have to rely on USB...

Ah, what a life...