I gave this three coats and I have to say it looks really rich - very impressive.
Again, it looked stunning and once it had properly dried it was lacquered.
Which looks fantastic if I can come up with a way of protecting it like that, but is a complete nightmare if I can't.
All plans of doing the other side tomorrow before a final lacquering - being splashed all over - are out the window...
Hmmm... It was going so well. I just can't make my mind up whether it is something brilliant and a chaotic gift, or instead that it is a total disaster and I've wasted the day....
Anyway, I've gone for bust and given it a coat of an acrylic lacquer.
If that works I'll be dragged-up like a good 'un.
Or at least made-up.
Never simple, this Jookiness.
That looks excellent. What a great colour!
Cheers Dave - The bronze is quite deep in reality and the damage is kinda stunning. Now it's stable, I'm really chuffed with it... Just waiting for the front to dry, which is a touch calmer, but will look rather cool methinks.
Just about to email you..
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