Friday 26 August 2011

WIP: The Bye Bye Buy One

Well, the last few weeks - despite my expectations - have gone quite well in Jooky terms, and I've managed to pick off a few guitars. Which is cool, it has to be said.

Though don't ask me about couriers, I really don't want to talk about those shysters.

But back en-topica, we're into the home straight of the school holibobs and there are family things that mean not a lot more will be done for a week or so, so today I figured it would be nice to get The Bye Bye Buy One as far as I can.

To that end I've lacquered the corroded copperness of the top and the corroded polka dottedness of the back and put it back together as far as the neck, tuners and bits that need screws go.

I've still not got pickups and am replacing the electronics entirely, as I tend to, but that'll be another day so I'm not worrying too much about that right now. I've got enough solder scars as it is.

And I have to say, I'm rather chuffed with the finish. This Corrosion (oh the Sisters of Mercy) bobbins really works for me at the moment.  There are so many possibilities it is quite lovely and deeply fulfilling. I just need to get some red paint and doilies and I'll be set for the winter.

So The Bye Bye Buy One, well, I haven't got a clue what I'll do with it, but it is fun, which is good enough for me.

As for other thingies, did I mention I've ordered/acquired all the parts I was missing for The Old Burny and Porn Shop Ones?

I don't know, but I have and it will give the local posties something else to whine about. Plentymuch parcels to be dropped, stamped on and left in ditches.

Other than that I've still not sorted the tuners and a pickup for The Drip Dry One, but there we are. Can't do it all, eh?

I know I've said this before, but the Autumn/Winter is going to be a bit calmer and there will be a lot less guitars (which is probably funny compared to most 'builders') as it worries me that I've already done more this year than I did in the whole of last.

I have to be careful, I can't rely on The Fat Old Man buying all of them, he has a wife and a 3D telly to support these days, after all.

All good stuff though...

La la la.

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