Well, as I was saying, I decided that a plain scratchplate would set The Tripadelic One off best, a note of subtletiness among the chaotic peace 'n' lurve iconography.
It is the artistic thing to do,
the tastefilled thing to do and basically
the grown up and
mature thing to do.
I know that.
So obviously, I've gone for a piece of tye-died material, as lets face it, it isn't really a guitar that was ever destined for a life of subtlety and taste.
Other than that, I've wired up the Sophie's Filthy Boots Fuzz, with the nice chickenheaded knob to twizzle. As I said before, she is quite an undemanding, yet game chick is our Sofe, but certainly addictive.
My Frère Jacques has never sounded so lewd as when Sophie has been involved..
Depends how I feel and whether I can bring myself to go to Maplins or somewhere equally dreadfilled in the meantime.
From the top then, it is:
An Electric Kool Aid coated Alder Bodied, Leona's Groovy Guitar
An Aceeeed Fried Maple/Rosewood Neck
A Charlie-boy Manson Bare Knuckle Holy Sinner Humbucker
A Horse Come Down Sophie's Filthy Boots Germanium Fuzz
A Free Lovin' Group of Wilkinson Easy Lock Tuners, Black for the classy among us
A Free Thinkin' Wilkinson Bridge
OK, I struggled for a typically period-correct name for the bridge.
And that is about that.
It looks absolutely mad ferrit and I just wish Northside were still going as I'd probably give it to them.
Things left to do are a bit of wiring to the Jack socket and trem block, and then some strings need to go on and a bit of a set-up. And that will be that.
Can't wait to get it finished...
Cue Northside's Classic...
Let's take a trip, down memory lane...
Rather Sad Natural-light-thru-blinds foto |
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