Saturday 13 August 2011

Saturday is Tiswas Day

Well, family bobbins hopefully out of the way, a new soldering iron to be heated and things might even get back on track in the Jooky Republic.

Plans for the weekend are to first of all sort The Tripadelic One out. I still can't decide whether to put it back to a normal tone pot or whether the fuzz will sound better once the ground buzz has disappeared....

Decisions, decisions, but only one way to find out...

Once that baby is ready, I'm hoping to move on to The Moulin Rouge One as of course that is just missing a bit of wire to get it going. I'm looking forward to playing that one. I love Tele Customs, and the PRS P90 plus Bare Knuckle Stormy Monday promises to be a seriously cool combination. My attempt at a Les Paul BFG-with-a-better-finish.

After that, I've been thinking about what to do with the Telemaster body I'm getting, and the plan at the moment is to have a Tele pickup at the bridge, maybe a Bare Knuckle Brown Sugar or a Boss, while at the neck I'm going to have something more Jazzmasterish hidden beneath the scratchplate. There is a little Curtis Novak overwound Jazzmaster pickup nestled on a shelf somewhere, so that could definitely be a runner. If the stealthiness proves too much for the tone, I may do something different though, in which case I have a couple of hot humbuckers which might get the nod instead. Other than that, it is pretty Tele-like. Ashtray bridge and cover, Tele neck - probably Rosewood, but I'm not totally sure on that, we'll have to see. As for the finish, I was thinking a verdigris copper and bronze combo could be quite striking.

My first thought was rust, which would be kinda nice, but I've done a few now and feel the need to stretch my plumes as it were. We'll see though, bit of R&D needed before I decide.
So in truth not a lot to report until I get my finger out.

In other news I'm waiting for a Boss Compressor/Sustainer to arrive, as that plus the Boss Stereo Chorus I got recently should let me fulfill my long held ambition of making noises like the Cocteau Twins.

I know there is more to it than that, but the chap who first made me want to play guitar and opened my eyes to guitar effects, a chap called Ian who then lived in Bristol - back in the mid-80s, I remember having a Chorus plus a Compressor/Sustainer and it sounding amazing.

So closing on thirty years later I've finally gotten around to trying it out for myself. No doubt he also had a long delay, masses of reverbs and a full rack under his bed which I don't remember, but we'll see. Actually, he must have had a delay thinking about it, as I remember him impressing me by playing the ding-ding bit of U2's Bad around the same time. Hmmm... Maybe I'll get there for the fiftieth anniversary.


Chris Gorman said...

Aaaaaaaaah! Telemaster! Rust! Say you will! Ruuuuuuuuuuust! That'll be the greatest looking guitar ever! It can't be copper, because when I prise it from your hands, it'll look like me and Dave are playing matching mental copper axes. And I will prise it from your hands! Ruuuuuuust! You know it makes sense!

The Jooky Guitar Emporium said...

Ah Chris, but if I go rusty now I'll be giving in on my artistic muse and basically selling out. Though I haven't got any copper and do still have iron paint to rust, so practicality being the mother of boticelli or somone, who can say...

I might just do it butterscotch and look like everybody else, of course

La la la

@Brizzle said...

Nice! Which chorus pedal is it? I have the Boss DC2 and that is instant Cocteau Twins :) Apparently Robin Guthrie rarely used reverb but used lots of delay. That and a harmonizer set to detune (the DC2 has a kind of warbly detune thing going on as well).

The Jooky Guitar Emporium said...

Hi Brizzle

Ah, it's an olde worlde CH-1 Super Chorus, which isn't authentic, but there we are... I must admit I really need to get a delay - used to have a wonderful Digitech 8 second delay/sampler (gulp) 20 years ago coming on, and I kinda miss it...

I miss the flanger too now I come to think about it...could be an expensive summer ;)