Wednesday 3 August 2011

S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G, We're Shopping

Well, this not-doing-much-in-the-school-holidays is going well. The only one of the Ones I haven't touched is The Old Burny One, which was of course the only one of the Ones I was meant to be paying attention to.

Four little Jookies
standing in a row
As for The Drip Dry, Tripadelic and Moulin Rouge Ones, I have an ever-growing part list I'm-a-needing before I can make their selves complete:

1. Three sets of tuners. I'm a new convert to locking ones, as I may have mentioned here and over there somewhere so they will probably each have different examples of these as I try to decide which ones I love best.

2. A bridge/trem thing - for The Tripadelic One. I like the Wilkinson ones. Like the tuners, I've finally found ones I like that don't cost an arm and a leg. I've also started to buy these new more often that not, as I've had too many 'name' ones second hand that basically have probably been changed for a reason in the first place and who needs unexpected third-party-grief when I am perfectly capable of creating my own?

3. Two push-pull pots for the coil-tappicidity on The Tripadelic and Drip Dry Ones

4. A momentary Lapse switch (if I go kill-switch-crazy) on The Tripadelic One

5. A pickup - preferably something hot and coil-tappable to go with the P90 on The Drip Dry One.

6. Lots of strings as I seem to have run out rather than lost them, which was my natural assumption, I quite naturally assumed.

7. Three hardcases. Needed but always a pain as they can take ages to arrive.

8. Six bottles of Grolsch, as I'm coming around to the idea of strap locks after the Gordo nearly broke my foot last time I swung it around my shoulders in front of the mirror.

And that is just for these three.

On top of those I need shed loads of parts for the Telemaster, Little Red Charvette and another Strat I'm looking at strangely, once I get around to them. And a bridge and tailpiece for The Old Burny One, now I come to think about it.


Think I should be able to scrape together the shrapnel  to get a set of tuners and strings for The Moulin Rouge One, which is 'pleasing', but the others will have to wait until cashflow improves somewhat... I blame the American Senate problems. Why can't they just love each other?.

All of which means I am open to offers on The Blue Moon One if anybody is pondering a potential purchase...'

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