Tuesday 16 August 2011

NGD: Putting Lippy on an Oinker

Well, I had a nice surprise at the end of last week, one of those new-guitar-to-play-with nice surprises.

For the regular reader with a long memory, or even the irregular reader with immaculate timing, you may remember back in January (or was it December?? I forget) I picked up a rather sad and bedraggled and it has to be said filthy and nicostinking guitar, built in the style of those played by the Extreme guitar chap,

Nuno Betonsomething.

Anyway, it had an oil finished luthier made body, a Warmoth neck (very expensivo American guitar parts maker if the name is new to you), a Floyd Rose tremthing, a DiMarzio Double Whammy at the bridge, and a Kent Armstrong PAF at the neck.

Well, I didn't have any real plan in mind for it other than fumigation, but as I am clueless when it comes to Floyd Roses and locking nuts, and it needed somebody to give it some care on the frets, I thought I'd do the sensible thing and get top local tech chap Mark, at Clevedon Music to give it a going over.

As I say there was no rush, and I almost forgot he had it until he called to ask whether I wanted to pick it up as he had stoned frets, wired this, adjusted that and generally top-tipped it good and proper.

And so today, I went and picked it up, and man has Mark done a job on it.

It plays amazing, the neck is like velvet - OK, maybe not velvet, but even I can move around it quicker than normal, and to my surprise I'm-a-loving the pickups.

The Kent Armstrong at the neck is a PAF type and sounds just -gah - while the DiMarzio Double Whammy at the bridge is hotter than a Hot Slag and really does the business, if your business involves squealing and screaming like a heavy metal-type.

More surprising (to me anyway) was that it gives an absolutely perfect impression of Keef playing old Stones songs. (The tone, not the playing, clearly.)

Not sure I've ever had a guitar
with a flaming back before
As for the Floyd Rose, well to be honest, Jazzmaster My Bloody Valentine fumbles apart, I've never really used trems, but I have to say I've surprised myself with this.

OK, I haven't got a trem arm but just pressing on the bridge sounds good enough for one such as me.

Basically, it is seriously dead good fun, I can see why all those widdly guitar players like them now. Though my gurning still needs a bit of polish. And I haven't got the hair to poodle.

Actually I haven't got any hair at all.

As to what I do with it...I'm really not sure. It has obviously been cleaned, but still falls neatly into the 'well played' side of relicking, but then I like that.

I'm just going to have a play for now and see how soon I get bored. I've got to admit that it isn't my usual fare, and some would say that perhaps a metal machine may well be wasted on my slender talents, but tis all good.

So all in all, it is a really fun guitar, and if you are in Bristol or thereabouts, and need a set-up I'd heartily recommend Mark and Clevedon Music.

Some people really can put lippy on pigs.

Feeling a bit sick now...

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