Monday 22 August 2011

Bye, Bye 1980s...

Step 1: Find a girl you love
Well, I thought I was there with The Moulin Rouge One, and then I noticed that the pickup ring was broken. Being a chap in possession of a bit between what is left of his molars, I took it back to pieces to fit a new one, before I realised I err, didn't have one to fit. Just big chunky monster ones. Which was a tad annoying. And so I await yet another part.

Typical, but there we are.

Looking around, I thought I'd take stock of where I am with everything...

Firstly, I noticed that The Old Burny One needs lacquer, plastics and a bridge. I haven't got any of those to hand, so...

Secondly, The Drip Dry One is missing a pickup and some tuners. Haven't got them either, so...

Thirdly, the neck for The Grecian 201 One never arrived Saturday, or the bridge and tuners, come to that, but hopefully they will show up in today's post, whenever that arrives. Can't do a lot until they do though, so...

Step 2: Throw acid in her face
Fourthly, I realised that there was indeed not a lot I could do yesterday so I might as well do something else.

Five minutes later and bored of cooking, gardening, entertaining the brats, my gaze turned toward The Little Red Charvette and I vaguely pondered.

Now this is missing a few parts as well, but unlike the others there was some stuff I could do to save my sanity. OK, that's a bit ambitious. But, ignoring the as yet unscavenged parts for this one - I'm going with a lippy single coil and a Filtron or P90 when I get around to it - what I could do was strip it down and smother it with copper paint, and then generally degrade it chemically. And, hopefully as you can see from the snaps, so I did.

As for today, I'll probably lacquer the top of the Charvette, before I copperify the back (it is still fluro-orange at the moment) and then it is back to waiting-for-parts, all over again.. I need a name for this one though, hmmm.

Something typically '80s that signifies the image over substance belief in the flash, overheated consumer and corporate greed driven thirst for unsustainable credit that ultimately fell about our ears.

The Bye Bye Buy One,
there that wasn't so tricky.

Then it's just a case of waiting for the postie, I guess.

Ah, that Monday morning feeling.
So many things to do, but none of them ready-to-go.
Might as well have a coffee.


David Farmer said...

The patinas are getting very consistently awesome. Are you going to stick a new neck on this one or stick with the jaggy one?

The Jooky Guitar Emporium said...

Cheers David...

I'm trying to blur the patina a wee bit now, tbh, for that authentic '80s Monet-loving look. Not sure how well that will turn out, but we'll see I guess.

I'd quite like to stick with the pointy headstock to be honest, as it will go well with my rolled-up jacket sleeves and string vest, but the frets are a bit pitted so they might need more work than I can be arsed to do... Just have to see I guess :)