To recap, this is an imaginary cross between a Jazzmaster - the outline - and a Telecaster - the rest - which Fender never made but perhaps should have done.
Kind of like their Pawn Shop guiitars, but cooler.
I'm not sure where the idea originated, probably with somebody playing with Photoshop at work when bored, but there we are.
Anyway, for once they are the best of both worlds, and I've long fancied having a go.
And now I can.
Well, since then I've mentioned it a few times, mulled-over various ideas and generally not made too many binding decisions.
Same as normal really.
However, I've since got it straight and have been collecting the bobbins I'll need.
From the top then, it is going to have:
1. The Fusion carved Red Cedar body. What does Red Cedar sound like? I don't know, but can't wait to find out. So next...
2. A lovely one-piece maple/maple Telecaster neck. I'd been edging towards rosewood, but I think a Tele should twang and sing, and the maple helps, so...
3. A proper old school ashtray bridge, with cover. I'm going for a Wilkinson one, as basically I loved the one on Lulu. Again we will also be getting stealthy and hiding a pickup under the blank scratchplate at the neck.
In truth I'm thinking about the humbucker at the neck to give some extra tone options. We'll see. I'll probably try both and go with whichever sounds best.
5. It will have a blank scratchplate at the neck, by that I mean that there won't be a hole cut in it for the pickup to peek out of.
Tuners I was thinking locking, but instead decided I'd go with the vibe and have ordered some nickel Kluson style ones. Again Wilkinson, and I might go for a bit of ageing, as I will with the ash tray bridge as it happens.
7. More importantly I've decided that I'm definitely going for a new variation on a rusting iron finish. I love the look of the corroded Bronze I did on The Grecian 201 One, but rust just seems to work for this. Though it is a tough call between that and the copper sulphate blue a completely corroded copper finish offers. No, the rust, it is going to be rusty - end-of. or maybe the blue. But rust, it has to be rust.
8. Other than that it will be standard Tele controls - though with Gretsch knobs which always look cool unless I can get some bakelite ones
So there we are, what is destined to be The Porn Shop One, coming soon as I get around to it, at an Emporium probably nowhere near you.
Oh My God, this one is gonna be awsome. if u're going to put a bigsby on that I might freak out and buy it on the spot!
What about the delivery to Italy? Much expensive?
Cheers :)
Not sure I could put a Bigsby on it as it is set to go with a Tele bridge ??
Italy is fine, though I'll have to check what the postage is once I've done it/got the weight, I guess...
Ruuuuuuust! Hurrah! The sooner the kids are back at school, the better! Can't wait to see it coming together.
The B16 should be made for direct replacement on tele guitars, check on their site! There's also a version of the B5 with a proper plate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN2MLRbIC5M
If I may suggest another feature, it'll be cool to put a blend knob for the 2 pickups instead of the 3 way switch!
I'll wait for news about the shipping!
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