Wednesday 24 August 2011

WIP: The Grecian 201 One

Well, as we're paddling in the uncommon waters of having two Jooky guitars for sale at once, it probably seems perverse that I'm getting closer today to expanding the harem, but there we are.

As you may be able to notice, my bridge, tuners and neck all arrived yesterday for The Grecian 201 One and I am halfway thru spoodling them.

The Gotoh tuners I've gone for mean that I need to ream out the holes in the headstock a wee bit.

As you can see I've done a couple but managed to lacerate my finger in the process, so gave up for a while.

Maybe the kids will do it for me later...

After that there is a bit of wiring to be looked into and probably screwed up and then we aren't too far away.

I'm really loving the knackered bronze look of this one.

After that, I really need to get on and finish The Old Burny One. I've ordered the bits I need and got the lacquer, so hopefully it won't be long now.

I know I won't get it sorted during the summer holibobs as was the plan, but such is life...

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