I'm really rather chuffed with The Dust My Broom One, and glad that I didn't go the EMG route in the end. I don't think I'm cut out for such blatant modernity and despite sounding like a Mojo fanboi recently, the pickups are truly awesome, so no apologies for the religious zeal.. Or to the neighbours and their colicky baby. It keeps me away all night, so I'm just returning the favour in the daily-lit hours
The BDSM One too is a rather stunning guitar to play - I don't think I've ever played a Strat that lets you glide around the neck quite so easily. I could get used to this low action bobbins, I never thought it would catch on.
I must be getting old.
I am totally loving the pickups on this one also, The Gretsch 'bucker is excellent. Nice and twangy clean as you'd expect, but a great hot tone too I've got a matching bridge pickup which I'll have to find a home for sometime soon.
I spoke to Marc about it and we're coming down to different environmental factors - the wood of the guitar, the wiring/capacitor, the fact it is raining, American primaries are on and England don't have a manager and people are still talking about Roy Hodgson - to explain the difference in sound between this and what is pretty much the same pickup in my Jazzmaster.
Don't get me wrong it sounds brilliant, just different, which is no bad thing, of course.
Whatever the cause, it has a great separation of the notes even when you get fuzzy with it that I'm loving.
Almost seems a shame to give it away, but there we are.
I did promise that whoever buys the truly lush The Foxy Roxy One will also find this in their stocking. (I think I might need to put my prices up or at least work on my far-too-visual imagery) so that is the way it has to be.
As for what is next. Well, I've given up on America and have ordered a boxy 70s bridge from Fake58 for The Ronin One. I'm a tad concerned that it won't fit, but given my lack of options I'll just have to get clever about it if my luck runs out. There must be a 'For Dummies' book that covers plugging holes and then putting new ones in in the right place.
The good news from the US of A is that the Gibson pickup is likely to come, which is rather nice. It just seems to make sense to go for the proper pups if i can.
That is for next week though, and at least I know Fake58 will deliver, which is more than I can say for some peeps.
Looking further forward onwards, I've grabbed some wood to practise my slashing and routing on and I'm hopeful of an old mahogany mantle piece to use 4Real, as we used to say in the olden daze.
I just figured I might as well get on with it as the worst that can happen is death and amputation or maybe a nice splinter to show the grand children. My plan is to go for a Teardrop outline with a couple of tasty pickups, Strat bridge and neck. But then it may be more amorphous blob with sharp bits that is more likely an outcome. I'm going to have a praccy freehand, but I'm guessing that there may be templates in my future.
If I can manage that I'll try and get adventurous later. I think that is the right direction to take though if I'm going to keep things interesting for myself, if nobody else.
Today though, not a lot to be done, so I think I'm going to try and record something embarrassing again.... No animals will be hurt in the process, however much it sounds like it.
La la laaaa
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