Tuesday 9 March 2010

Plans for the day - Bizzy bizzy bizzy

Well, Tuesday already - where does the time go? And I've got stuff to do if this Jooky little world of mine is going to flourish

La la la.

OK, firstly - I'm going to finish the Velvetificaton of the Hundred quidder, I need to get on with it.
I plan to finish that today then. The velvet, not the whole shebangabooloo.

Secondly, I've realised the posting box for The Paisley One has been turned into a Fire Engine with windows ripped in and other modifications, which leave it somewhat unfit for purpose.
So I need to get a replacement box from somebody nice in a local music shop.

Thirdly, tomorrow morning is my one chance this week to do a bit of soldering - kid free - on the amp/effect front, and so I need to dig all the parts out and make sure I'm ready to go and have everything I need. It would be nice to get at least a couple of them up on the site as it feels a bit silly now, a shop with nowt to sell. Not that I'm complaining folks.

Fourthly, I'm investigating pickups for a future project - on-line that is.

Something that sounds like this would be nice...

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