Thursday 4 March 2010

Bluesy McFloozy

I guess you may have guessed by now that I quite like listening to, and cackhandedly-playing The Blues. I've been playing guitar for twenty-odd years now, and despite coming from the general direction of indie-land, everybody seems to end-up playing the blues eventually.

A sign of getting old, I guess, or maybe it is just that as your synapses atrophy you can't handle more than five notes.

Either way, despite being rather rubbish, I keep trying - or more to the point getting books and magazines and learning next to nothing from them, before moving on to the next disappointment. And so I was rather chuffed to come across this cool site 12 Bar Blues Guitar  which has the unlikely combination these days of being both good and free.

I was actually looking for information about Clapton's Beano guitar, but found the chords and tab for the Mayall album instead, which is probably far more interesting.

Anyway, I like the Beano and used to be in Dennis The Menace's fan club, so I just thought I'd mention it..

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