Tuesday 10 January 2012

Starting again - The Gypsy One

Step 1: Remove Gloopy Veneer - Check
Well, after the joy of my Gordo excitement (and man it plays like a d-r-e-a-m), and the excessive raunchiness of The Sick One, it is back to Jookyland's version of reality with an ample-stomach-gurning jolt and the crushing defeat that is The Gypsy One.

(And, yes, I noticed the nefarious glee at it's demise from Mr Gorman 'imself.)

And basically, I'm sitting here wondering what the hell to do with it.

I've realised that the veneer as it stands isn't really salvageable, so I figure a good start would be to strip it all off. and have another go, though how easy that will be I really don't know.

I'm probably being hopefilled, but I'm going to start by reaching for the iron again and trying to soften the glue. With a bit of luck the gloopyness of the varnish won't be so strong that I can't get it all off in one go.

If that doesn't work, and I can't say I'm uber sold-on-it, well I guess it is a sanding block and a lot of tennis elbow.

After that is started I'm pondering what comes next.

Not starting you'll notice given my new year's resolution to do one-at-a-time, just thinking for now, and the think I've been thinking is that I should really resurrect the idea of The Jo La Taxi One and do myself a La Cabronita, even if it is just to get it out of my system.

When I do though, I think I'm going to vary from the blueprint and not have a TV Jones in it as I originally planned, but instead go for something different. Not that I've quite worked out what shape this something-different will take, at the moment it is more of a faint blur just outside the corner of my eye, but different it most definitely will be.

Though I'm tempted by one of the Creamery's Wide Range 'buckers, it should be mentioned, like.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Interlude In Activity Major ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Since I started writing this, I obviously got distracted and have managed to remove the gloopified veneer from The Gypsy One. Amazing what you can do with an iron and a Stanley.

Back to square one then, I figured I should get back on the horse-that-I-threw-meself-from, and have cut out my last piece of veneer into something vaguely Tele-shaped. I've also nipped out and bought a couple of small yet heavy bags of sand from Homebase which will hopefully clamp the veneer down better than the rock salt did, and save me more iron-time.

Assuming I get as far as the varnish this time around, I think I may well not use the rosewood coloured one and go au natrel and simply clearcoat it. Looking at the fotos from last time, it looked plenty good enough, I think, especially with a band of rust around the edges.

Who say I can't learn my lessons.

Step 2: Draw around body on new veneer - Check

Step 3: Cut new Veneer out - Check

Step 4: Gloss over the fact that you cut it out back to front - Check

Step 5: Glue it on and whack a couple of bags of sand on top -
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

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