The Blue Moon One One day destined for strings |
Well, a sharp flurry of guitar wrapping since my return means that I can now settle down to my favourite task of all.
Waiting for couriers to show-up,
or not as the case may be.
I'm on a bit of a run with TNT at the moment as they have twice now picked-up when they are meant to, delivered when intended and everything arrived in one piece. I know it can't last but after DHL, HDN, FBI, MI6 and the CIA, it is nice to be surprised in a good way.
As for The Beaton One, well, 'awaiting parts' would be the status if things were that technical around here.
More accurately 'lay on the kitchen table', though to the same effect.
As for The Blue Moon One, well I am determined that tomorrow, that beatified piece of offsetness is going to be finished.
No more excuses, I'm going to stick with it until it works. (Though hopefully my Blackheart Killer Ant will have shown up by then as I haven't got an amp here at the moment. Ah, I could use the Line 6 PC thingie, that'll show if it works or not. Not the same mind without the glowing toobz and all that.)
But tomorrow,
or this week at least,
The Blue Moon One.
And the Beaton One, that's two.
Both of them. It is going to be soooo cool.
Can't wait.
Then I can have the summer off with an easy mind.
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