However, in my defence, I have laid out all the underground parts for The Blue Moon One, and all it needs is a bit of steadified soldering. How hard can it be?
(The simple answer is that if it proves easy, you'll hear all about it today, otherwise you won't, I guess.)
Other things that may or may not happen today, are that my Blackheart Killer Ant could well turn-up (in which case I hope you'll realise that everything else goes out the window), and also I should be getting a bag of parts to finito The Beaton One.
Oh, and a battered old Strat that leapt at me from Ebay the other night. The body looked awful, but the neck was, well, sensual. I really shouldn't drink alone then hit the 'net. Gets me into all kinds of trouble.
I do seem to be collecting Strat parts at the moment. I haven't done one for a while, my move towards different shapes has worked and I think it has been three SGs, a couple of Jaguar/Jazzmaster sorts and an Explorer, oh and a Telecaster (Lulu, my Lulu) not forgetting of course, my Golden Shower Les Paul.
It was good to do, and I'll keep on doing the do, but maybe a couple or three Strats wouldn't be the end of anything round and sparkly.
I'm also dithering about the Charvette. It is in one piece again, I think I said, and plays amazingly well, even if I don't, and I was just going to shove it on Ebay...but I'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe I should do something else with it. I am sorely tempted to try laminating it with some ridiculously OTT birds eye maple - not that I've ever done such a thing before, but it sounds fun, but then, I can't but help think that it would be a great one to do some sort of comic book thing. Marvel rather than a Beano or Dandy, maybe Spiderman or Hulk, the Xmen or my fave of all time Captain America - with a healthy film tie-in. La la la.
Well, we'll see. I still have the problem about the pickups, but I guess I could replace them. Or is that all getting a bit predictably obvious. Maybe it is.
¬¬¬¬ Not Very Musical Interlude ¬¬¬¬¬
More importantly though, my little Blackheart Killer Ant just arrived too and it is already plumbed in and earning it's corn.
And I have to say I am very impressed. Only 1W but 1W thru the little speaker in the Blackstar is a helluva a lot quieter than 1W thru the Blackheart's Cab.
Ask the neighbour's three-week-old son.
Still it is very nice indeedy, and I have to say The Golden Shower One's P90s sound immense.
No reverb though, so I might just have to find a pedal, that's a shame...
So in summary, not a lot will get done today again I expect...
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