Firstly, I was really chuffed to see some fotos of a guitar put together from longterm-friend-of-Jooky Andy, the first and only chap to have a signature Jooky Guitar - The Crowley One.
Though his name isn't Crowley,
but that's just how we do things around here.
Anyway, Andy put himself together a lovely Cabronita out of a collection of parts, finished it in Nitro and I have to say I am well impressed.
I can't wait to see the blue stable-mate he is already planning...
* Sigh* I can see what I'm going to be having a go at sometime soon...it looks gorgeous.
Speaking of unplanned plans, I also came across a new Cornish-based luthier called Fusion Guitars, which as it happens is run by a cool chap called Simon who frequents the Music Radar Forums, what like I do.

The reason for the mention, is that I noticed he had a Red Cedar Telemaster type of body nearly finished, which for the uninitiated is a Jazzmaster outline with Tele routing/neck etc.
These were initially a kind of urban myth, but a few are popping up from Custom shops, and I have to say I've long fancied one. Anyway, long and short of it is that once it is done, it will be coming this way - and I seriously can't wait.
As for other things, the competition for The Beaton One seems to be getting some interest still, which is nice...
La la la
Wahoo , My little guitars famous :-)
Ah, your little guitar is uber cool - that's the main thing :)
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