Tuesday 20 November 2012

Of Super Heroes and Pearlie Tears

Well, yesterday was all a bit frustrating - and I am remembering now why it was I didn't do more comic laden guitars after The Beano One, mainly because it is a complete pain in the bumski.

But we shall overcome, and top and bottom is more or less done, with the tricky edges the job for the morning - so The Marvel Us One might live after all.

I did remember to take the time to fill the pickup cavities with pretty pictures so that they will provide a suitable backdrop to Mr Mojo's lovely loom, all to be seen thru a transparent scratchplate. So that should be good. As for the rest, I need to find the lippy pickups, and the only other thing I need is a trem, with one of Mr Wilkinson's excellent chunky steel blocked jobby the most likely offender.

And stupidly, I'm wondering whether a righty trem will fit into the lefty body or not. I should know the answer to that, but it is beyond me right now. I'll have to remember to check before I sort it out.

As for other stuff, I'm hoping I'll get Pearly's body sorted today, which would be rather nice indeed, as the lass is looking rather cool so far, and a teensy bit more attention could see her blossom like a farm.

La la laaaa

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