Saturday 29 December 2012

WIP: The Seaside One

Pout Baby Sunshine
Well, what mayhem Christmas brings... Whiffy too around here, but that's kids for you.

Obviously, not too much of a Jooky nature has been going on, but I would like to introduce you to a plonked together WIP of the gloriously golden The Seaside One.

Clearly, the gold leaf is all of a twinkle, and has been roughed and worn and all those other things you do to gold leaf.

And the lovely Fender trem fits perfectly, and the Mustang bridge will do nicely too in the no-string-popping-outness that just plain is.

And the neck fits - huzzah! - and whilst I still can't decide between the red tortie plate and a plain minty old white one, the red is edging it at the moment.

Anyway, pickups and loom will arrive from the independent state of Mojo soon enough and we shall see what we, shall indeed see.

Can't wait.

As for other things, well, I really can't remember right now. Put it down to the sunshine, the moonlight, but never, ever, the jumpy up-and-down-punk-dancing.

La la laaa

Just Feel It

Treat 'Em Rough

And The Frou Frou Fox One
Gets in on the act too

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