Monday 24 December 2012

Have A Jookilicious Crimbulmus

Well, it has been a long and arduous year in Jookyland, and I don't have to read all this drivel, but I wanted to say Taverymuch to a few peeps who have made it somewhat triffic, innit?

Firstly, Jools and all the chaps that are still seeing The Tickled Pink One around the country. I've stayed out of it more than I probably should have, but at last count it was in Middlesex somewhere, and the dosh is still trickling in. So cheers chaps..

Secondly, Marc at Mojo Pickups has been a complete star. I'm using his looms on nearly all the guitars which are a big improvement on my own efforts, and he is making the best pickups I've ever played, so this former pickup whore is definitely monogamous these days. He's going to be making plenty more for the Jookies in the new year and I can't wait to see what he comes up with. Cheers m'dears.

Other than that, obviously all the peeps who have bought a guitar. I don't do this for profit, so selling one means I can make another, which is a trip and it keeps it fun (couriers apart), so again, cheers m'dears, you are making an old raspberry ripple very happy. Think of it as care in the community.

And that is about it. I'll no doubt talk about next year soon enough, promise to make one guitar at a time and reduce the numbers, but we all know it will just be talk.

Hope you and yours have a fine Crimbulmus, and I look forward to boring/confusing/annoying you in the near futuredom.

Oh, and I snuck in the gold leafing of the The Seaside One, which looks vaguely appropriate if more of a yellowy gold in-the-wood.

La la laaaa

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