Monday 28 March 2011

The Loveless One - WIP

Well, I got a wee bit of time at the weekend and managed to lacquer the variegated golden top of the Loveless One, so that it is all shiny and pings in the morning light. It has turned out pretty well, amazing in fact, and I ended-up leaving the waxed wooden body on the back and all. I might still sand and oil that though, have to have a wee think to be honest.

As you can see, the neck has been plonked into place. This still needs a bit of work, dull frets that need a polish, dead rosewood fretboard in need of a nice oiling, a new nut to be cut - that sort of thing, but it is wired up with the exception of the pickups, and tuners I've sorted - some nice Schaller ones, or maybe something else...and it is starting to look most guitar-like.

As for the pickups, I was umming as per, when I noticed a Gibson 490R pickup for sale, which is what comes in a lot of SGs, of course. These are quite high output and 'Rock' like, and to be honest not my favourite pickups of all time. I don't seem to go for Ceramic magnets, for some reason. What caught my eye with this one though is that it has been 'T-Topped'. Now if you know your Gibson pickups (la la la, how nerdy am we?) you'll know that there was a period of time when T-Top pickups were Gibson's big thing. Seventies, I think. Anyway, the originals are worth a packet now, but some bright spark noticed that the more common 490R is in fact exactly the same pickup, but with a Ceramic magnet instead of the original Alnico V. In modderland, people started swapping the magnet for an Alnico and basically 'T-Topping' their pickups for that great Led Zeppelin/Jimmy Page sound.

All good stuff. Anyway, I snapped that up, and am going to be pairing it with one of my faves, an IronGear Alchemist 90 - their P90-in-a-humbucker-shaped-tin, which should give us a fair old whack of variation - to match the leaf of the guitar. (Just thought of that, and am sadly quite pleased with myself...)

Anyway, not a bad start to the week..though obviously I need to vaccum the carpet and teach the brats not to leave power leads lay around under tables.


fat old man said...

this is starting to look great. I've already got a few guitars that "rock" but none in gold and I certainly don't play as much rock as I really should... and it is gold.... and my wife has a karaoke machine to keep her happy(but not me:( )... and I havne't had a photoshoot for a while and this would look great...

The Jooky Guitar Emporium said...

And it is gold, after all FoM.
And she has got a karaoke...
And you *need* a new foto... ;)

I must admit I can't wait to get the pickups in there and see how the T-Topped one sounds... Hopefully I'll pick it up on Thursday and get it all together next week sometime.

Now, do I go for on-board effects instead of one of the tone pots, and a big red kill switch, just to add a bit of subtley... Hmm.