Sunday 27 March 2011

Cream. Sometimes you just need it

What can I say? I know I've mentioned it before, but I love the fact that there are some really cool UK-based luthiers, who are willing to do things their own way and make some really groovy guitars.

One of the Creamery's Beauties...
I also love the fact that there are some really cool UK-based pickup winders, basically showing those Americans how it should be done (my tongue is cheeked as I type that, I will point out, as I'm not particularly jingoistically modified as it happens, but if the Yanks seem to want to play the Born In The USA card and see it as a benefit, I can't see why we can't do the same with Crafted In Salford and all that.)

Best of all I really love the fact that The Creamery exist as not only are they UK-based but they both make wicked guitars, from reclaimed materials, which always impresses me, and they also wind an ever increasing range of verily interesting pickups. Not just the basic PAF, Strat Hot, Strat Cool, Tele tweedy ones you'd expect, but Wide Range ones (which Fender don't do anymore even) and all sorts of other cool looking and sounding bobbins.

Anyway, I'm thinking that The Loveless One might just have to be treated to a set of their pickups if I can find the dosh, or I can be lucky and win their competition to win a set just for registering for their newsletter. Bugger, shouldn't have mentioned that, I may be increasing the competition. Actually, don't bother, you wouldn't like them. La la la. (ahem)

More to the point, doesn't that Walnut Jazzmaster-esque lovely, make you want to drool.

When I'm grown up, I want to be the Creamery too.

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