Monday 29 October 2012

WIP: The Black Russian One

Well, Jookytime is going to be sporadically occasional this week, but I was quite pleased to get somewhere with The Black Russian One over the weekend. Teensy steps, but staggering in the right direction.

But what did I do?
I know,
I can see you are curious
bet you can't wait.

Well, as mentioned before it is a rather lovely grained La Cabronita Tele body, which has been stained ebony all over. And very Black Magical it looks too.

From there, it was given a dousing in hard wax oil, quite a few dousings in fact, which finally dried to a hardened shiny shine.

Not being the world's greatest shiny wood fan, I took that back to dulldom using wire wool of a high OOOO value, and then smothered it with some gloopy soft wax which was buffed to a sheen.

Sheen is good, Shine is bad.

I'm sure George Orwell's pigs said that.

As that is looking how I like it, a few roughing up episodes completed the picture and for a change I started with the Strap pins. Shiny chrome they are too, which works goodly well.

Next I put the hard tail bridge on in the right place - nice steel saddles for added zinginess - and I even remembered to press into place some slightly pre-aged trad looking ferrules.

A boy needs ferrules if he is to thrive, or something.

So that is that.

As I am basically waiting for parts for the rest, the only thing I can do today is make a nice red vinyl pickguard out of my Television 12-incher. I have in fact superglued my Pinko-Commie Red Star onto a flat topped Tele knob, which looks good but may not prove to be the most practical.

I think I'll have to think of something else as while it looks cool, it is quite tall, and sharp of cornery spike. We'll see how it looks at the end though.

Other than that, the only job I really want to do today is fit the new switch to The Fallen One and bathe in some Jazzmasteryfilled goodness.

All good tack

Speaking of which, with the terminal demise of The Golden Shower One, I may in fact be welcoming an old Jooky back into the fold as my one-and-only-keeper. More on that if I can make it happen, but I have to say I'm a little excited at the prospect, so fingers crissed.

La la laaaa

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