Thursday 25 October 2012

Fancy For A Black Russian

Well, bit of a shonky day in Jookyland yesterday and not a lot got done.

Instead I retracted into vaporwareville and decided what to do with that pretty lump of swamp ash I mentioned.

As you may have noted it is another la Cabronita body, and despite planning to give up on such things for a while, I intend to stain it somewhat and generally make it pretty. OK, perhaps a bit bashed around the edges, but it's thirty years now, we're all allowed to look a little wind swept and well, damaged.

Why 30 years?

Well, I fancy doing an 80s kinda thing and giving this the ebony stained coffee table look and marrying it with plenty of shiny chrome seems to fit the bill.

For that authentic Glasnost leit motif, I've got a nice USSR red star cap badge which I hope I'll make into a knob somehow, and have a vague plan for the 'plate that is so vague I can't remember where I put the bit of paper I scribbled it onto in the middle of the night.

Other than that, I'm thinking it will either be a pair of Marcy Mojo's TV Jones-sized 'buckers or one of those and a similarly svelte P90. Just not quite sure which yet.

As you can see, I made a start on the staining if nowt else.

So there it is, The Black Russian One, coming one day soonish with a fair wind at my back and the walls coming tumblin' down.

La la laaaa

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