Monday 1 October 2012

Something Chi Chi

Well, after the variety of Les Pauls that have come and gone around here, I still find myself in need of something for that humbucker sound.

OK, need might be a tad strong, but you know what I mean. I want the one I haven't got, and all that.

To scratch such an irritation, I think I will probably sort out an SG sooner or later, but in the meantime I snaffled a nice HH Strat body, which I thought would make a change.

I should probably have found a mahogany one, but I'm on a bit of a big-grained-swamp-ash mission at the moment, so that is what this is.

Anyway, I've already asked Marc at Mojo to sort me out with some pickups and one of his groovesome wiring looms. How's that for organisation?

What I've gone for are a nice PAF to live at the bridge, with one of his humbucker-sized P90s at the neck. I've never tried either of these before, bizarrely, so I'm looking forward to it. The body has been routed SG-style so twin volumes and tones and a three-way switch should make it fun.

As for the neck, well I want a big head and rosewood 'board, and it is a standard trem it is chopped for, so that is easy enough as I've done them once or twice.

As for the finish, I am probably going to wind-up my stained ash addiction with this, so I'm thinking something light in the vein of The B Movie One, as that was rather pretty. Though perhaps I should go for a Cherry and really mix my messages. Nah.

In fact (as I forgot to post this earlier and I got side-tracked) I've now given it a nice stain and sand to get the grain going and have finished it with beeswax as, well, I like the smell. No harm in that, is there?

So there it be, The Chi Chi One, coming one day, probably maybe.

La la laaa

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