The Peace Train One isn’t just a fancy finish though, it has a darker almost Seventies side beneath it’s scratchplate and all manner of switches and knobs above it.
For built in to this pacifistic innocent, is a Lou Reed sleazy dirt beneath, with pulsating auto-wah and filthy distortion just the flick of a switch away, to take you from the neon lights of Carnanby Street direct to the rain sodden time-stained sodium of Berlin's seedy underbelly...
Technical Stuff:
Type: Leona’s Groovy Guitar
Electrics: Teisco Strat pickups
Guitar Type: Fender Stratocaster type, but of unknown vintage. Believed to be based on a 60s or 70s Teisco guitar.
Construction: Cloth over wood.
Strings: Fender Stainless Steel 10s
Output: ¼” Guitar Lead
Controls: Active circuitry:
- Master volume on/off switch
- Three volumes, one per pickup
- Three effect switches turn on/off Auto Wah, Distortion and ‘Normal’
- Three pickup selector switches
- This is an active guitar and only work when the batteries are installed.
- Needs 2 AA batteries, supplied.
Special Stuff: Certificate of Authenticity, Builder Signed and Numbered, All Wrapped with our Trademark Jooky Wrapping.
Serial Number: JGE#18
RSP: £
oh god - this looks good. Already having purchased one of your masterpiece, I should let someone else have a chance. But if no one snaps it up I might have peruade my wife that we should live off rice for the next year
Cheers FoM.. Ah, I could throw in a tray of Pot Noodle if it helps, and god knows I could always come up with a frequent flyer scheme...
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