Wednesday 23 April 2014

Bacchylides: Directly From The Kitchen Table

Well, I thought and I realised I'd been-a-lacking in the WIP dept. as far as The Bacchylides One  goes, so I figured I'd better do something and generally put the W in that there acronym (abbreviation? too tired to remember or care).

So anyway, I nailed everything together apart from the tuners and pickups and realised that whilst I'd remembered to buy the mute I hadn't in fact got all the parts. The spring for instance, always handy is yer spring, or so I've found.

But anyway, I remembered I was putting the mute on a Jazzmaster anyway and that it therefore didn't matter and so help me god I was there.

Well, apart from fiting the pickups and wire and aforementioned tuners. Oh and the nut, really must remember the nut.

But tomorrow is another day.

I'm quite pleased with the finish. you can't tell but it was super shiny and new this morning and now it isn't either of those things, apart from perhaps the 'super', but I'm too modest to comment on such speculative nonsensical bobbins.

So tomorrow, I will fit the tuners and move on to The Chunky One, my walnut bodied La Cab. That I am Time Staining as it were. I did toy with purple or blue, but in the end I  just want it to look old and knackered, which is quite fitting in lots of ways tomorrow.

La la laaaa

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