Monday 24 February 2014

The Week Ahead In The Little Kingdom of Jook

Well, I'm all of a buzz to get some things done now, not least because Ben has done a funky cool SoundCloud thingy of The Fretboard One, which was a little inspiring of awe, to one so ham fisted as I.

Ben is also going to be doing a video, which I must admit after this I'm really rather looking forward to.

The Fretboard One is of course going to be given away and you still have a chance to get in there - up until Thursday at 6pm anyway. Here is where you need to see the score...

As for more mundane matters, I have at last started to Mother of Jookify The Alcaeus One and over the next few days will make it glow with liquid pearl. I'm going  for a rather dark blue on this, unless I change my mind/spill something or generally, well, forget.

It is going to be rather groovy though, but I can't decide on the pickups at the moment.

On one hand my knee-jerkery points at a pair of Gold Foils to make-up for the demise of The Alcman One, and it was rather super splendid before it, well, got crushed. But on the other hand I am kinda thinking that Ye Olde Jazzmaster pickups are rather stunning too, I have to admit. It is hard being so decisive. I'm glad it is not a burden I carry too often.

After that, there is another wee pearly dewdrop of a project underway here too, but this one subject to the tender mercies of my daughter. She has decided that we should diversify slightly and has taken it upon herself to build the first ever Jookulele.

Not just any old four stringer is good enough for her, mind. Nope she is going for a six-steel-stringed, guitar tuned behemoth that will be visible from any passing space station. It is going to be epic, I am quite sure. She is still deciding upon a name for that as I type, so I'll have to let you know when she finishes her pondering.

La la laaa

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