Monday 17 February 2014

Daze Like These - Doomy McGloomy

Well, one cross that burdens lots, is the fact that couriers somehow can't do the simple things right.

Today I found out:

a) The Travellin' Man One has been stuck in U.S Customs for weeks/months? I forget, but finally will be released from captivity, no doubt clad in orange and shackled, and

(ii) The Alcman One got smashed on the long and arduous journey from Bristol to Northampton.

Of course this follows on the heels of

3. The Jamais Vu One getting smashed on a journey to Oxford, and

D. A rather sweet old Burny SG Jr getting it's neck broken on a trip towards Portishead from somewhere heathen (Essex? Maybe, I forget.)

And a few before them too...

Sweet Seaside immediately springing to mind.

I guess on the law of averages of the 179 guitars I've shipped over the last couple of years, percentage-wise that may not be exceptional, but it does sting so. All hard hardcases and boxes and labels and well, lots of tape. Man do I use tape. I ooze tape. A sickening amount of the stuff.

But what can you do?

Still on the bright side of the street, I'll be taking The Fretboard One over to Stroud myself tomorrow (get your money on the M5 Carnage headlines in Wednesdays papers) so at least the rather talented Ben will get a chance to put it thru it's paces and do a wee video.

Fretty, as it has become know locally, has been a bit of a slog in the end - just one of those where it has been harder than expected, and I really don't know why. It sounds so zingy though, and has crazy sustain - I think the Callaham bridge might be part of the equation, but the Mojo Gold Foil at the neck is as immense as ever.

I've also finished The Diamond Shiny One for what must be the third time, so I'll do an introduction to that tomorrow in between finding a new courier.

Yours depressed of Portishead

La $%^&g laaaaaaa

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