Tuesday 9 July 2013

Trigger's Broom Vegas Stylee

Well, so I thought I'd strip down the Tom Delonge Strat, sort out all the parts and then get on with the gold leafification (for the nation).

And so I thought I should think about what I need to change.

Firstly, the neck. I have the Jazzmaster neck, maple, bound black square markers. Now that is pretty funky, that is Vegas. That would be perfect.

Secondly, I need tuners. Don't particularly like the original Squiers so I'll get something else. Easy McPeasie

Thirdly, the bridge is nice enough, but I think I'll replace it with something nickel rather than chrome.

Fourthly, obviously, I will bin the Duncan Designed pickup and wiring as I have the Mojo Pickups 'bucker-sized Gold Foil and matching loom.

Fifthly, The jackplate - again, I'll get a nickel one.

Sixthly, I'm going to go for a red tortoise shell scratchplate - it is the perfect combo with the gold leaf. So I don't need the original custard coloured one.

Seventhly, the strap pins I'll replace with Old nickel Gotoh ones.

Eighthly, I have a dice knob around here somewhere made from a craps dice from the Sands in Vegas. That is a no-brainer, which is me all over.

And that is about it.

So in summary, I am keeping the original body and the neck plate. Hope Tom doesn't mind too much.

~~~~~~~~ Musical Interlude ~~~~~~~~~~~

Bizarrely, I just saw a lovely ash body, routed for a bucker at the bridge.

That might be nice too...

Hmmmm.....I might  not be very good at this pimping old guitars anymore.

La la laaaa

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