Wednesday 31 July 2013

The Queen Is Dead

Well, I know I have mentioned the Music Radar Forums a few times in the past - in fact without them I wouldn't be doing this Jooky bobbins at all, or at least the groovy people on there - so it has been a sad couple of weeks since they went under and disappeared without any real explanation or trace.

However, Motherly Inventions pop up in such situations, and rather than waiting and seeing, some of the brightest of the bright sparks had a life-raft already full of cans of beans and isotonic smoothies, and there has been a mass migration of the membership to a new home, which is pretty darn cool.

It is people who make these things special, not companies holding the server keys.

And this spirit of rebellion is going from strength-to-strongerness, and in triple-quick-smart time, a new and spanky cool home will be built under the moniker of 'The Fretboard'. Wish I'd thought of that name meself.

Anyway, to help launch the site, a number of the members will be writing reviews, how-tos and other thingies - and there won't be none of that everything-gets-4-stars bobbins, these will be proper reviews by people who have bought and used the things themselves - and I'm going to join in the fun with a couple of 'articles' about DIY Jookiness.

The first of these will basically be an instruction guide showing how to paisleyify your own guitar, and given the amount of people who ask me how to do it, I hope it will be vaguely popular.

The second will probably involve acid and mild personal danger (or at least hygiene issues) but should be equally groovy.

These will be popping up next week (I hope) and it would be really cool if you nipped along and joined in with what is already probably maybe the best Guitar forum around...

I'll do all the proper links once the site launches for real, but you can already join the life-boat site Here and if you like your guitars, you really should.

Oh, and while I was looking around earlier I found this issue of Guitar & Bass magazine going begging. You can download it for free if you are into such things

La la laaaa

Click to launch the full edition in a new window
Publishing Software from YUDU

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