Monday 2 August 2010

Serial Offender

I know a few people have been a wee bit confused about our 'serial number strategy', and especially by the fact that, for instance, The Spangled One will have a serial number of 14 when in fact it is only our sixth (or is it seventh, I can't be bothered to check - sorry) guitar.

Now, I see the point, but as we explain on our Hall of Fame page, we have made things other than guitars, and wanted to keep just one list of numbers, whatever the Jooky thing we happen to produce next may be.

So that is it really, and I know a couple of people who think they should have got 'single digit serial numbers' in fact didn't, but to be honest it isn't like we're talking about mass-production here. I mean, what do Fender and Gibson do as a Limited Edition - a hundred? a thousand, maybe? I don't know. Compare that to us where everything is a one-off, and well, the number isn't the buzzy-bee-all, now, is it?
It's not, is it...?
Nope, didn't think so...

You can of course see all of our things to date at the Jooky Hall of Fame, if you so wish to.

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