Thursday 23 February 2012

Reality Nibbles

The Ronin, Foxy Roxy, Dust My Broom and BDSM Ones
Talking to the Taxman About his bloody awful poetry
Well, I'm starting to think that perhaps my newly totally vaunted one-guitar-at-a-time approach isn't exactly going to plan, and I'm kinda not verily getting close to finishing anything at all at the moment.

Before me I have sitting a string of unfinished bobbins, and I'm starting to lose track, so excuse the memorandum-esque lists while I try to remember/plot/plan/regain my life:

1. The Dust My Broom One

This is all done apart from the EMG pickups still needing to be soldered together again.

I have to sort this, though I'm a bit back-on-my-heels this morning as I played a Tele last night with exactly these pickups, and I wasn't best impressed. Not quite what I was expecting, which kills the confidence somewhat.

Still, I have got to try them and see how it goes.

2. The Ronin One:

This is waiting for a pickup from the States, some wiring and a Bridge.

So "waiting-on-parts", I can live with that.

3. The Foxy Roxy One:

This too is "waiting for parts" - pickup rings, tuners and wiring loom.
So not a lot I can do right now either.

Hmmm. So basically, the only thing I can do is sort out the EMGs on The Dust My Broom One and see what I think of them.

They start out pink, fluffy and innocent...
And then they end up into BDSM.
It saddens me.
Of course there is my Jazzmaster too, which follows on and needs a bit of tender loving Mojo-ing and the slight matter of the MR Strat I picked up yesterday. Yes, the pink one.

This is better than I hoped, and amazingly it sounds quite good with the stock pickups it came with.


I'll think about that later though.

Can't start it until March anyway, so no panic this week about The BDSM One.

La la la - going around in circles again.

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