Friday 10 February 2012

New Pickup Daze

Ooah, top excitement in Jookyland today as I got a little package from the postman.

(They are far more obliging since privatisation).

And rather pleased I was to find a pair of Mojo-in-excelelsis-ified Jazzmaster pickups, handwound by Marc at Mojo Pickups.

Man they look cool.

Don't they look the dog's?

I have to say that I love the presentation of them too - very nicely done.

As you can see from the fotos there were also three pretty looking Paper In Oil capacitors, which will add a bit more to the mix. (I only need two for the Jazzmaster of course, but as soldering isn't my strongest suit, three is clearly wiser.)

Anyway, with a bit of luck the new pickguard and pickup covers might arrive sometime soon and I can get my baby re-fettled right and good and proper.

Cheers to Marc, by the way, great and knowledgeable service and a real pro.

He is well worth chatting to over at his web site, and has something interesting in the humbucker dept. coming soon, which I'm kinda hoping will be available by the time I come to do The Foxy Roxy One.

Can't wait to try these,
the attention to detail is spot on
and I get the feeling they
will be good,
don't you?


fat old man said...

thank god the burny has gone - I nearly put us deep in the red and bought it. I can now relax a bit until the next one takes my fancy.

The Jooky Guitar Emporium said...

I feel your pain FoM... I'm totally gutted as it goes. And sad though it is, the courier doesn't come until tomorrow and I'm already looking at LPs to fill the void :(