Thursday 16 February 2012

Pining Like An Apple

Well, after a few false dawns from the boys at UPS, The Old Burny and Gypsy Ones trundled off into the sunset and onto pastures new. I'm trying not to think about it.

To tempt my fevered mind away from all things golden and Les Paul shaped - IT WAS PERFECT I TELL THEE, PERFECT - I found solace in the arms of The Iceblink One, as you may have noticed.

It took a bit more time than I thought, but I cut the nut lower and added a string pushy-downy bar (? I'm sure there is a proper name) and that has kept the trick dundid.

It is totally addictive to play and I keep playing Within Without You, which sounds pretty good until I get to the fast part. When it doesn't. So I start the slow bit again.

Not having played a fretless guitar before, I can't claim that this is how they should sound, but it tunes and is stable and makes a lovely buzzing sound, and as long as you play single notes and have a preference toward the archaic art of sliding semi-tones and generally doing single string runs, or using drones, it is proper good. Actually, I've just been mixing it with a nice bit of fuzz and an overactive flanging gland and it is doomer-stoner-droner-heaven.

Actually, I was looking at the Unfretted site - one dedicated to all things fretless - and one of the points they make is that no two fretless guitars sound the same anyway, so clearly this is the best one ever made in the world ever.

If only by me.

I will no doubt return to such pastures after a bit more thought as it is quite a lot of fun.

In other news, the soldering of The Dust My Broom One, and the rebuilding of the Jazzmaster will be post-holibobs, so expect more to be happening next week.

I've pretty much got or have ordered everything for The Ronin and Foxy Roxy Ones now too, so I'm all loin-a-girdled, or something. I'm going to start on the finishes next week with both of them, as I find it hard to choose between the pair.

So there we are.

Incidentally, if anybody has anything Les Paul shaped that they want to swap for The Iceblink One, give me a shout. I'm pining, like an apple.

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