Monday 9 May 2011

WIP: The Crowley One

Well, this has got to have taken longer than any of our guitars to get this far, but I'm finally getting pleased with the finish on our lovely dark satanic Explorer-type-of-thing, The Crowley One.

As you can see, me and the boy have applied the variegated finish, and then using all sorts of weird and wonderfilled gubbins, artificially aged it even more - for a sepia tint - and then cracked the lacquer.

Don't get me wrong it isn't a swimming-pool-tile kind of 'crazing' but it looks like weathered stone, which is quite lovely, and will apparently continue to age for a while yet to come. It still needs a final lacquer as it is all quite delicate right now, but it looks excellent. I'm well pleased we spent the time.

As far as the rest of the guitar goes, I've got the pickups wired up (a first) and I'm thinking I will put some platinum leaf on the scratchplate to match the pickup covers. I think it needs black hardware though, I'll have to see what I can do. Gold would just be too blingy and chrome or nickel wouldn't really match, I don't think.


Dickinstein said...

Looking good . Pros to your design consultant !

The Jooky Guitar Emporium said...

Cheers - though he is getting a bit cocky now, so I'll probably relegate him back to the sanding ;)