Monday 16 May 2011

Repair and Refinish - 3 Steps To Heaven

Step 1: FInd a Guitar with a Bosted Neck

Well, I'm pleased to say that after 48 hours (I forgot to do it earlier) I removed the clamps from the Bosted Epi One and sure enough the neck was back in one piece.

I've since strung it up, set the action and intonation and done all those other tweaks we so love.

And yep, it plays perfectly, and the neck feels as solid as a rock.

Step 2: Glue and hold it tightly
(I did cringe a wee bit as I tightened the strings, half expecting the neck to fly off and brain me, but nope. Titebond Original is verily tightly bonded indeed.)

As you can see in the second foto, there is a noticeable mark where the break is, so in true Jooky style I thought I'd attempt meself a bit of a professional looking refinish, so you can never tell that it was broken in the first place. You know the type of thing I mean, like invisible mending...

Step 3: Invisibly Mend It
OK, I could probably have run a little bit of paint or used a felt pen or something, but this seemed more appropriate until I decide to do something else.

In summary, well chuffed.

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