Monday 2 May 2011

Finishing and Starting

Well, no more school holidays for a few weeks, so I'm figuring that it is about time I got my finger out and got some guitars dusted and done. OK, I always say that, don't I?

Anyway, this week I will be finishing The Blue Moon One and will probably be finishing The lulu One as well. Now, there's ambition for you.

Other than that, my lad has been earning his pocket money and sanding back the Explorer that I stripped the skulls and roses off last week, and it is ready to go for a bit of molten iron. And that is what it is going to have, some beautifully aged iron leaf on top that looks like it is burning away to show hell below. Can only be The Crowley One then, I guess. As I said before this is going to 'feature' a couple of Alnico Gibson Humbuckers with quite pretty Platinum tops on them, and basically I want it to be Classic Rock without dipping into Metal. So no cruciforms or pentacles, although if you play your scales backward you might find a hidden message. maybe.

That should be fun - and I'm still deciding what to do with the sides and backs, it has to be said. It is a lovely piece of mahogany, so I might just leave it exposed, but then I have some 1950s Popeye and Olive Oil fabric, which might just...OK, maybe not.

I can decide tomorrow I guess, no panic.


Dickinstein said...

Sounds cool . Looking forward to seeing the wip photos

The Jooky Guitar Emporium said...

Hopefully I'll get me backside in gear this week and have something to show... Makes a nice change to not be dithering about the pups anyway, bit of a first...